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Skills For Life

Transition Assessments

The journey to adulthood is complex. For young adults with disabilities, figuring out those “next steps” is a journey that’s inherently personal. We ask challenging questions about what support will be needed as a neurodivergent young person looks towards adulthood. It’s also a time to celebrate growth and successes, and identify what strengths and skills will help them succeed as they set goals.

Skills For Life offers transition assessments to young people in the process of determining their vision for adulthood. Many neurodivergent young adults and their families seek transition assessments to inform transition planning and help identify and secure supports. It’s a process that centers the young person, helping them share their vision, assess their strengths, and take inventory of their needs.

The transition assessment has three main goals:

Share the Student’s Vision. The assessment helps communicate the young adult’s vision for their future in each of the four transition domains: postsecondary education/training, competitive employment, independent living, and community participation.

Inventory and Reflect. The assessment process allows the young adult and their team to take stock and invite the student and team members to reflect on their needs, strengths, preferences, and interests within each transition domain.

Collect Performance Information. Through the assessment, the OT gathers data on the student’s current performance and progress, identifying areas for growth that align with their vision for the future.

Our Skills For Life Occupational Therapists bring a person-centered lens to the transition assessment. Each assessment is conducted in alignment with recommendations from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Our philosophy is rooted in a commitment to highlighting and building on clients’ strengths and providing the just-right challenge to help support our clients’ journey into adulthood.

To schedule a consultation, get in touch.