Summer Program
Learning and growing 365 days a year.
Our academic year spans a 12-month period to allow our students and families to take advantage of every moment they have at Ivy Street. Students engage in academics and extracurriculars based on a term system. Our Summer Program occurs during the summer term and spans the months of July and August.
During the Summer Program, Ivy Street offers an engaging combination of academics and enrichment. For many of our students, school might not be their first choice of places to spend their summer months. We make it worth their while by mixing learning with fun – and lots of it!
During the Summer Program, students spend the morning in their academic classes. We cover the core subjects – English, math, and social studies – as well as other subjects based on each classroom’s curriculum. Students engage in class with the same content teachers and classmates as the rest of the year. Consistency is key; our program is designed to reinforce and build upon academic growth during the summer months.
Electives are the feature of our Summer Program, allowing our students to choose their own adventure. Students participate in two extended elective blocks each day. The elective choices vary widely, with something exciting for everyone. Over the course of the eight-week elective, students have the opportunity to dive deep into their interests, supported by passionate instructors with an abundance of knowledge and skills to share.
Community Exploration
The world is our playground during the Summer Program! Over the summer, students embark upon weekly community exploration trips with their class. Trips include the beach, local museums, scenic hikes, sporting events, and Boston landmarks. Classes work together to decide upon each week’s destination, and collaborate with an Occupational Therapist to work out the details. Our summer trips are rich experiences that capture the interests and capabilities of each student – or dare them to try something new.

“I learned a lot of life skills. I got lots of friends. I got a job.”
Ivy Street School Student