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Skills For Life

Why OT?

Our Skills For Life Occupational Therapists are specialists in guiding neurodivergent adolescents and young adults through their transition to adulthood. They have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that this transition may bring. Our occupational therapists collaborate with clients and their families utilizing a holistic approach to support individuals as they embrace this new life stage. 

Occupational therapists are unique in their approach of using meaningful activities (“occupations”) – anything from learning how to cook to getting a job – as both a means and as an end. We use an ecological lens to help clients achieve their goals by adapting the environment to fit their strengths and needs. It is through this evidence-based work that occupational therapists empower people with disabilities to be change agents of their own lives.

Our Process

Click through our process for partnering with clients to build skills:

Step 1: Assessing Needs

A member of our team consults with the client and their family to identify areas of strength and need.

Step 2: Identifying Goal Areas

One of our clinicians, an Occupational Therapist, joins the client’s team. The OT collaborates with the client and their family to complete an assessment and identify their goal areas.

Step 3: Creating Action Steps

The client breaks their goals into small action steps with support from the clinician.

Step 4: Prioritizing and Planning

The client and their clinician collaborate to prioritize goals and map a plan for their work together.

Step 5: Building Skills

Through weekly work with the clinician and follow-through during the week, the client builds skills, develops habits, learns and uses strategies, and leverages resources to meet their goals.

Step 6: Tracking Progress

Together, the client and their clinician track progress, using the client’s goals and action steps as metrics.

Step 7: Reaching Goals

When the client’s goals are reached, new goals are set or services are ended.